Complete the Order

Order processing with Spend Options, Authorisation, Settlement, Refund and Reverse operations.


Tailored payment options

Spend Options are personalised based on the basket amount, promotional and product offers, and the customer profile.

Enable further purchasing

When a refund is initiated, customers can make use of the available credit to fund further purchases.

Key features

Authorisation amount held until order completion

The customer is prevented from spending the authorised amount for their order.

Real time reversals

Reversals can be issued in real time, avoiding any delays for the customer.

Order Processing journey flow

The following illustration explains how the Order Processing journey flows. From the moment a customer adds items to their basket, through to providing credit and paying for goods:


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Order Processing APIs

Explore the various API endpoints to see what solution is suitable for your business needs.

Spend Options

Provide customers with unique payment options available, to complete their order.



Obtains the authorisation amount for the order.



Fulfilment of customer’s order.



Refund a settled transaction.



Reverse an authorisation.

Getting Started with NewDay

Quick start guides for how you can start working with NewDay as a partner and learn about the end to end processes of integrating with APIs.

Engagement with Commercial team

This section guides potential businesses on how to become a NewDay credit partner and explains the end-to-end on-boarding process.

Integration Guide for Developers

This section provides guidance on how to start building with NewDay i.e. how to integrate with NewDay's various deployment environments, getting access to APIs etc.

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