DocUpload Widget

Learn how to allow users to prove their identity and address.


The DocUpload widget is a NewDay-hosted feature for prospective customers to upload documents to prove their identity and address (e.g., passport, driver's license, bank statements, etc.). Embed the DocUpload widget into your NewPay journey at any point once they have an accepted quote.

Embed the DocUpload Widget

The DocUpload widget can be embedded into your website using an iFrame at any point of your customer journey when documents proving the user's identity or address need to be uploaded. For images, PNG and JPEG formats are accepted. For files, PDF formats are accepted, with file dimensions up to 15 MB.

To embed the widget just copy and paste the code below into the UI where you want the widget displayed.


1<iframe src="[brand]?iframe=true&applicationId=<applicationId>"></iframe>
For a correct display of the widget, ensure that the 'iframe' URL parameter is set to 'true' in the query string.

Additionally, you must provide the application id: A 36-digit identifier that identifies the customer application in our databases.
The application state property must be "docrequired".

If the application id provided is valid, the DocUpload widget will be displayed in the iFrame and the applicant will be able to upload the necessary documentation for identity and address proofing.


Successful response - Upload Successful

When documents are successfully uploaded the DocUpload widget will post back to the parent window the following message:


2 "success": true,
3 "status": "documentsUploaded",
4 "message": "User successfully uploaded documents",
5 "applicationId: "{{applicationId}}"

Unsuccessful response - Upload Failed

When documents fail to be uploaded the widget will post back to the parent window the following message:


2   "success": false,
3   "status": "uploadFailed",
4   "message": "User encountered error",
5   "applicationId: "{{applicationId}}"


The following elements can be configured by NewDay to match your site and branding:

CategoryConfigurable Options
FontsFonts, font size, font colour
CTACTA colour, CTA copy, CTA border-radius, CTA border, CTA border width, CTA border-colour
ButtonsButtons border width, buttons field border radius, buttons fields border colour
OtherPrimary and secondary colours.

The below elements are not currently configurable:

  • Titles (e.g. 'Proof of Identity', 'Proof of address', etc)
  • Icons
  • List of documents accepted (e.g. Bank statement, UK driving licence, etc.)
  • Validity of documents (e.g. Some documents can be either 12 or 3 months old maximum)
  • Descriptive and hints copy ('When scanning or taking a photo of your original documents, please make sure to include all four corners of the document')
  • Error messages based on API responses (e.g. 'Your file is too big. Please try again.')

Getting Started with NewDay

Quick start guides for how you can start working with NewDay as a partner and learn about the end-to-end processes of integrating with APIs.

Engagement with Commercial team

This section guides potential businesses on how to become a NewDay credit partner and explains the end-to-end on-boarding process.

Integration Guide for Developers

This section provides guidance on how to start building with NewDay i.e. how to integrate with NewDay's various deployment environments, getting access to APIs etc.

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