Order Processing


A suite of endpoints to guide your customer's purchasing journey.


Our Order Processing API allows you to share spend options with an applicant or customer and manage the customer purchase from authorisation to reverse, settle, or refund.

How does Order Processing work?

  1. 1
    Display the spend options (by product or customerRef)
    • Display the spend options by credit product: When the customer is unknown, call the SpendOptionsForProduct endpoint to retrieve the spend options available for that product.
    • Display the spend options by customerRef: When the customerRef is known, call the SpendOptionsForCustomerRef endpoint to retrieve the spend options available for the applicant or customer.
    • Note: The spend options by CustomerRef response will return a spendOptionId for each spend option, this Id is used in the authorise request.
  2. 2
    Initiate the transaction: If SCA is applicable, the Initiate endpoint can be called to check the SCA status. The response will confirm if the customer is exempt from SCA or if authentication is required. If authentication is required, the Initiate endpoint response will provide the widget URL to load the SCA Widget.
  3. 3
    Authorise the spend option chosen: Call the Authorisation endpoint with the spendOptionId to obtain authorisation for the amount. A successful request will return an authorisationId, and a temporary hold for the amount is put on the account until the transaction is Settled or Reversed.
  4. 4
    Cancel the order: To cancel all or part of an authorised customer purchase, call the Reverse endpoint with the authorisationId and the amount to be reversed. A successful request will return an authorisationReversalId and the remainingFloat (i.e. the amount left to be Settled or Reversed).
  5. 5
    Settle the order: To settle an order, call the Settle endpoint with the authorisationId and the amount to settle. Based on the configuration, settlement can occur for the whole or part of the authorisation amount. A successful request returns a transactionId. A successful settlement will result in the transaction posted to the customer’s account and be included in the direct settlement process to pay the merchant.
  6. 6
    Refund the order: To refund a customer’s settled transaction, call the Refund endpoint with the transactionId and amount to be refunded. Based on the configuration, a refund can occur for the whole or part of the settled amount. A successful request will return a refundTransactionId.

Order Processing journey flow

The following illustration explains how the Order Processing journey flows. From the moment a customer adds items to their basket, through to providing credit and paying for goods:


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