

Offer allows clients to provide diverse spending options to customers.


Our Offer API allows clients to provide diverse spending options to customers. These options can encompass different spend types, such as instalments, buy now pay later, etc., as well as varying interest rates and term lengths.

Create an Offer

Use the Create Offer endpoint to provide different spend options to a customer during Order Processing. A successful request will return an offerId, which can be used to update or retrieve the offer. The offers can be customised in the following ways:

Offer CustomisationMarkdown
Type of spende.g. instalment, buy now pay later etc.
Customer riskBased on the customer risk profile
Product or MerchantOffered only to a specific merchant(s) and/or product(s). If the productIds or merchantIds are not specified, the offer will apply to all products and merchants.
Qualification AmountMinimum and maximum spend amount

When creating an offer, you will be required to specify the rate. This can be either absolute (i.e., provide a number e.g. 0.02 for 2%) or effective (i.e., the interest rate on the account).

Update an Offer

Use the Update Offer endpoint to rename the offer, update the offerCode, or amend its end date and time. A new offer needs to be created to update any other fields.

Retrieve Offer or Offers

Use the Retrieve Offer endpoint to retrieve an offer's details by providing the offerId. Use the Retrieve Offers endpoint to retrieve all offers. You can provide criteria to filter offers based on transaction amount, risk band, merchantId or productId. If no criteria are given, all offers will be returned.

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