Access to Sandbox

Test and refine your services using our sandbox environment.

To register for the Open Banking Sandbox, please use

We have set up two test accounts, Odin and Thor, to cover all possible Sandbox requests, allowing you to fully explore the available data.


User CredentialsDescriptionRequiredValue
UsernameThe username of the Mock User. The username needs to be provided as part of the user authentication process.Mandatoryodin
One Time PasscodeThe one time passcode for the Mock User. The one time passcode is a 6 number code that is sent to the selected device during the user authentication process. Regardless of the device that the code has requested to be sent to it will not be delivered to this device in the sandbox environment.Mandatory000000
Verification CodeThe verification code of the Mock User. The verification code is 6 number code provided on the second step of the user authentication process.Mandatory123456
Account IdThe account Id is used as part of the request to New Day's APIs. It's provided as part of the request url to retrieve user resources related to an account Id.Optional904000
Statement IdsThe statement Id is used as part of the request to New Day's APIs. Its provided as part of the request url to retrieve user statement resources.Optional8sfhke-sifhkeug-00001








Expiry dateThe expiry date is used as part of the request to NewDay's payment initiation API. It needs to be a date in the future in the format of MM/YY.MandatoryMM/YY format
CVVThe CVV is used as part of the request to NewDay's payment initiation API. It needs to be in the interval between 3 to 4 numerical characters.Mandatory3-4 numerical characters


User CredentialsDescriptionRequiredValue
UsernameThe username of the Mock User. The username needs to be provided as part of the user authentication process.Mandatorythor
One Time PasscodeThe one time passcode for the Mock User. The one time passcode is a 6 number code that is sent to the selected device during the user authentication process. Regardless of the device that the code has requested to be sent to it will not be delivered to this device in the sandbox environment.Mandatory000000
Verification CodeThe verification code of the Mock User. The verification code is 6 number code provided on the second step of the user authentication process.Mandatory123456
Account IdThe account Id is used as part of the request to New Day's APIs. It's provided as part of the request url to retrieve user resources related to an account Id.Optional904100
Statement IdsThe statement Id is used as part of the request to New Day's APIs. Its provided as part of the request url to retrieve user statement resources.Optional904100-20170801
Expiry dateThe expiry date is used as part of the request to NewDay's payment initiation API. It needs to be a date in the future in the format of MM/YY.MandatoryMM/YY format
CVVThe CVV is used as part of the request to NewDay's payment initiation API. It needs to be in the interval between 3 to 4 numerical characters.Mandatory3-4 numerical characters

Our live APIs follow the same URL schemes as specified on this developer portal, but with the '/sandbox' path element removed.

For example:



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