API Explorer

Rate Card

Rate card allows clients to configure subsidy or commission to be applied to settle, refund and chargeback transactions.

Environment URLs

EnvironmentBase URL
NDT Staginghttps://mtapi.stg-newdaytechnology.net/cl/rate-card-service/
NDT Productionhttps://mtapi.newdaytechnology.net/cl/rate-card-service/

Create RateCard Association

Create a rate card assocation between a merchant and a rate card.



Update RateCard Association

Update a rate card assocation between a merchant and a rate card.



Remove RateCard Association

Remove a rate card assocation between a merchant and a rate card.



Retrieve all RateCard Associations

Retrieve all the rate card assocations for a merchant.



Retrieve Current RateCard Association

Get the current rate card associated with a merchant.



Create RateCard From Grid

Creates a complete rate card, using the grid specification.



Update RateCard From Grid

Updates rate card details, using the grid specification.



Retrieve RateCard Grid

Gets the details of the rate card, in a grid format.



Create RateCard From Records

Creates a complete rate card, from a list of rate card records.



Update RateCard From Records

Updates rate card details, from a list of rate card records.



Activate RateCard

Activates a rate card.



Expire RateCard

Expires a rate card.



Retrieve RateCard

Retrieves a rate card.



Retrieve All RateCards

Retrieves all rate cards.




Request to complete a rate card grid specification.

Request to complete a rate card

Request to create a rate card from records

Response sent when a rate card is created.

Response sent when a rate card grid is retrieved.

Rate card grid specification.

Response when a rate card is requested.

Spend details for an item on the rate card.

The response sent when a list of rate card details has been requested.

Rate card details.

Response sent when the spend details are requested.

Subsidy Commission Value.

Transaction details.

Used when associating a rate card with a merchant.

Request to create a rate card record specification.

string enum

Rate card status.

The spend details for a rate card.

string enum

Spend Type

Subsidy commission associated with the rate card.

Details of the transaction that can be applied to the rate card.

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