Core Credit


Exposes information relating to customer account state & servicing, authorisations, transactions and billing periods.


The Core Credit API exposes information about customers' credit accounts and includes all aspects related to Credit Account Management. This includes information like account states, balances, payments due, transactions and statements.

These endpoints can be used to provide an overview of a customer’s account. Combined with information from the Customer API, you can see an overview of the customer and their associated accounts. This is commonly used in front-end channels such as Mobile app, Web app and IVR to help a customer service their account. An example journey use case that this may be used in is to present a view of a customer's balance and amounts due at the start of a payment journey where the customer is making a payment against their account.

Account Information

Call any of the following endpoints to retrieve core information about a customer's account. These offer granular details about account overview, balances, spend types, interest rates, dues and arrears. This information can be accessed through individual endpoints or a composite endpoint that provides this information in one view.
Endpoint nameFunctionality
GetAccountProvides an overview of the account including createdAt, productId, creditLimits, status and treatments.
GetAccountAvailableLimitsRetrieve available credit to spend on the account for the cash limit and account limit.
GetAccountInterestRatesProvides different annual equivalent rates (AER) for each applicable spend type (e.g. purchase, instalment etc.)
GetAccountBalancesRetrieve the account level total balance amount. This is the amount that has cleared on a customer's account and can be used alongside total pending credits, debits and credit limit to calculate the open to buy.
GetAccountSpendTypesRetrieve a detailed breakdown of all spend types (e.g. purchase, cash, instalment) and their balances and rates for the account.
GetAccountDuesRetrieve dues on the account including current due, requested payment, recommended extra payment, total arrears, etc.
GetAccountArrearsRetrieve a detailed breakdown of the arrears on the account, including the due amount and arrears age of the due amount.
GetAccountPositionsComposite resource to return standard account details along with available limits, balances and dues.

Transactions and Authorisations

Call any of the following endpoints to retrieve transactions and authorisations for a given account. You can retrieve any pending or declined authorisations for an account, and any posted transactions for an account. You can also retrieve any transactions from an old linked account in case the account was upgraded to a different brand or product. You can also choose to enrich transaction data on each of the endpoints where it is available by including improved transaction description, merchant category, logo, etc.
Endpoint nameFunctionality
GetAuthorisationsRetrieve all available authorisations for an account.
TransactionsSearchRetrieve all transactions for an account. Request transactions within a specified date and amount range. You can also search text within the transaction description.
TransactionsSearchByTransactionIdSearches for specific transactions for the given transaction identifier.

Billing Periods and Statements

Retrieve information about a customer's billing periods, a statement summary and posted transactions for that billing period.
Endpoint nameFunctionality
GetBillingPeriodsReturns a list of Billing Periods for the account.
GetBillingPeriodBalancesReturns balances for the given billing period e.g. opening balance, closing balance, total credits and total debits.
GetBillingPeriodSpendTypesReturns the spend type breakdown (e.g. balance transfer, instalment) and associated interest rates for the given billing period.
GetBillingPeriodDetailsA composite view of the given billing period that combines balances and spend types.
GetTransactionsForCurrentBillingPeriodReturns transactions for the current or specified billing period.

Account Treatments

Manage account level treatments, such as reporting a fraud activity to freeze spend, applying or removing a payment holiday etc.
Endpoint nameFunctionality
GetAvailableTreatmentsProvides list of all available treatments that can be applied on a given account.
AddTreatmentApplies a new treatment to the account.
UpdateTreatmentUpdate an existing treatment to either change any of its applicable attributes (such as start or end date) or replace the old treatment with a new treatment.
RemoveTreatmentRemoves an existing treatment from the account.

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