
Reversal of an authorised amount.


A reversal occurs in the event of a cancelled order before settlement. Depending on the retailer’s configuration, partial reversal requests for the same authorisationId can be submitted.

Processing a reversal

  1. 1
    A request to this endpoint is made using the authorisationId generated from the Authorisation response.
  2. 2
    NewDay checks the provided information against the internal criteria.
  3. 3
    A successful request returns an authorisationReversalId, which is a unique Id generated by NewDay to confirm the amount being reversed.
  4. 4
    The pending authorisation amount is reversed.

The following snippet demonstrates a Reversal request.
  "amount": {
    "value": 50,
    "currencyCode": "GBP"

The following snippet demonstrates a successful response for a partial reversal, where remainingFloat represents the remaining authorised amount to settle or reverse. In this example, it shows fifty pounds (GBP).
  "authorisationReversalId": "d10e902a-1ffa-4a5f-b585-6ee6b1d42a2c",
  "remainingFloat": {
    "value": 50,
    "currencyCode": "GBP"

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