Demopay (Own SSO)
Learn about our alternative end-to-end customer journey from onboarding a customer to settling their order. If you want to use guest checkout, you can enable a combination of your own SSO and our SSO capabilities.
Bring your own SSO
Customer uses your SSO to log-in ahead of starting their credit journey. This step can be skipped if guest checkout is selected.
The applicant enters their personal information into a blank application form and the request is sent, creating the application.
Check whether the applicant’s email address exists. If this is false, it is still possible to continue with the acquisition journey. This step requires a third-party integration.
Please note that steps 2, 3, and 4 happen all together
Check whether the applicant’s phone number exists. If this is false, it is still possible to continue with the acquisition journey. This step requires a third-party integration.
Please note that steps 2, 3, and 4 happen all together
Once the applicant has created an application, complete a soft check on their eligibility. The response returned will define the next step in the customer journey. For this journey, the state is defined below. Information is passed at this point to your credit decision engine.
Please note that steps 2, 3, and 4 happen all together
SSO Widget - Create credentials
Create log-in credentials to save and return your application journey, repeat spend and set up your e-servicing account.
Match the applicant's details to the applicant’s bank account using a third-party integration. If it matches, 1p will be sent to the customer with a code as the reference.
Verify the code provided by the applicant to the code sent to the bank account.
Retrieve and display an applicant’s Important Customer Information, Pre-contract Credit Information, and the Credit Agreement in HTML or PDF. This endpoint is called once per document that is retrieved.
An applicant will tick their e-signature and submitting this will confirm they have accepted the terms of their agreement. The response returned will define the next step in the customer journey, for this journey, the state is defined below.
Perform a hard check on the applicant’s credit history and use the returned information in your credit decision engine. For this journey, the state is defined below.
Onboard the applicant as a customer and complete the credit acquisition process. For this journey, the state is defined below.
Retrieve and display the spend options available based on the customer and basket.
Authorise a transaction once a spend option has been chosen.
Settle the authorisation once the order has been received.
Request Example
1There are no NewDay-side requests or responses for this step.