You can send the eSignature of the applicant that explicitly confirms they're accepting all terms and conditions of the product New Day will be providing them.
When you send a request to the sign endpoint with the applicant's esignature, it implies consent of the applicant to conform with NewDay's credit guidelines.
Adding an eSignature
. In the endpoint response, you may receive any of the following responses:- 1
The application is complete. One of the following substates will be returned:
The applicant's credit application has been signed. After the applicant has been boarded they will have access to Instant Spend.
The applicant’s credit application is complete but needs to be reviewed by NewDay Underwriting Team.
The applicant's credit application is complete but needs to be reviewed by NewDay Underwriting Team.
A document has been submitted for review by an underwriter.
- If no substate is returned the applicant's credit application has been signed.The following snippet explains a successful eligibility check:Next steps: Continue to customers.
1200 OK 2 Content-Type: application/json 3 4 { 5 "state": "appComplete", 6 "subState": "instantSpend", 7 "apr": ..., 8 "customerRef": ... 9 }
Although the credit application procedure is complete, applicant is not yet onboarded as a NewDay customer at this stage.
- 2
The application is cancelled either because it is a duplicate request or the applicant has called the service desk to cancel the application. - If no substeate is returned, the underwriter has cancelled the application - normally due to duplicate application or request of the applicant.This is the end of the applicants journey.
- 3
The applicant is required to provide some more documents, one of the following substates will be returned:
The applicant has triggered the Vulnerable Customer Credit policy.
The applicant is required to provide documents for Proof of Address.
The applicant is required to provide documents for Proof of Identity.
The applicant is required to provide documents for Proof of Identity and Address.NewDay will email applicant with next steps. Tip: Display acknowledgement page with decision pending message.