
Signing up to the terms & conditions


You can send the eSignature of the applicant that explicitly confirms they're accepting all terms and conditions of the product New Day will be providing them. When you send a request to the sign endpoint with the applicant's esignature, it implies consent of the applicant to conform with NewDay's credit guidelines.

Adding an eSignature

Submit the applicant's signature using POST /applications/{id}/signature by providing the application identifier id. In the endpoint response, you may receive any of the following responses:
  1. 1
    appComplete The application is complete. One of the following substates will be returned:

    - instantSpend The applicant's credit application has been signed. After the applicant has been boarded they will have access to Instant Spend.

    - refer The applicant’s credit application is complete but needs to be reviewed by NewDay Underwriting Team.

    - referInstantSpend The applicant's credit application is complete but needs to be reviewed by NewDay Underwriting Team.

    - docReceived A document has been submitted for review by an underwriter.

    - If no substate is returned the applicant's credit application has been signed.

    Next steps: Continue to customers.

    The following snippet explains a successful eligibility check:


    1200 OK
    2    Content-Type: application/json 
    4    {
    5    "state": "appComplete",
    6      "subState": "instantSpend",
    7      "apr": ...,
    8      "customerRef": ...
    9    }

    Although the credit application procedure is complete, applicant is not yet onboarded as a NewDay customer at this stage.

  2. 2
    appCancelled The application is cancelled either because it is a duplicate request or the applicant has called the service desk to cancel the application. - If no substeate is returned, the underwriter has cancelled the application - normally due to duplicate application or request of the applicant.

    This is the end of the applicants journey.

  3. 3
    docRequired The applicant is required to provide some more documents, one of the following substates will be returned:
    - declVulnCust The applicant has triggered the Vulnerable Customer Credit policy.
    - proofAddr The applicant is required to provide documents for Proof of Address.
    - proofId The applicant is required to provide documents for Proof of Identity.
    - proofIdAddr The applicant is required to provide documents for Proof of Identity and Address.

    NewDay will email applicant with next steps. Tip: Display acknowledgement page with decision pending message.