
On-board the credit-availing customer who has agreed to make payments


An individual who has successfully applied for and received a NewDay product while entering into an agreement to make payments is termed as an on-boarded `customer`. The credit application process completes after an applicant becomes a customer. They will receive a physical credit card via post or digital access to credit, depending on what they applied for. Instant access to credit might be facilitated depending on the product type and the applicant's credit history checks.

Creating the customer record

allows to board an applicant who has added their signature as a customer, completing the acquisition process. A successful application will provide the following response:
  1. 1
    appBoarded The application process is now complete and the applicant is onboarded as a customer, any of the following substates could be retruned:
    - instantSpend The applicant's credit application is complete, and the customer now has a Credit Account with Instant Spend. - If no substate is returned, the applicant's credit application is complete.

    Next steps: Continue on to Order Processing.

The following snippet explains a successful creation of customer, completing the specified application:


1201 Created
2Content-Type: application/json
3Location: https://.../customers/3da446ac-5fe5-490d-8e65-b9d64c1c8787 
6  state: "appComplete",
7  subState: "instantSpend",
8  customerRef: "{customerRef}",
9  productId: "{productId}",
10  aer: "",
11  accountId: "",
12  creditCard: // Applicable for carded product. Not applicable for digital credit account
13  {
14    wallet:
15    {
16      cardHolderName: "",
17      temporaryCardNumber: "", // temporary card details
18      temporaryCardExpiryDate: "",
19      temporaryCardLimit: "",
20      temporaryCardSecurityCode: "",
21    }
22  }